To God be the glory. We bless our father in heaven for another week  he has given to us to share his word and encourage one another in faith and hope that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen…Bless you Brothers and Sisters in Christ all around the world. Today the good Lord has place in my heart to encourage and strengthen you with this message “BY THIS TIME NEXT YEAR”

According to the bible, in the book of 2 king 4: 8-27 .. A story of a Shunammite woman who was kind and generous to the servant of God Elisha. This woman could not have a child and her husband is getting old. But whenever Elisha the man of God came to her city, she would attend to him, arrange a place for him and his servant Gehazi to stay.

She kept on doing this year after year, but one day the man of God decided to also bless the woman back, and he called his servant Gehazi and ask him if there anything we can also do for this woman, for she had been kind and generous to us.  Gehazi told Elisha, this woman had no child, she is alone with her husband. Then the man of God Elisha, call the woman and pronounce blessing upon her life “that by this time next year, you will have your own child”. And so a year later , God bless the Shunnamite woman with a boy, and the word of prophet Elisha came to pass.

Brethren, when we open our heart ,and allow God to move us to bless a true servant of God and bless the work of God to progress, then the blessing that came upon the shunnamite woman is also closer to us. Doors of great opportunity will be open on our way, healing and peace come nearer to us, because we had also imitate the nature of the shunnamite woman who bless a man of God. Then by this time next year, we are also rejoicing like the woman.

Therefore, beloved brethren in the Lord, I encourage you today to open your heart and mind to support the work of God and be a blessing to the true servant of God….Then heaven will also rejoice over you for the blessing of God has come upon your life. And remember the Lord loves you first before you start loving him.

May the peace of God be with you always.

Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Pastor Kolins Arthur