Bless you brethren in the Lord. A life without God is a life full of fear, uncertainty and agony while a life with God is a life full of peace, joy and hope for better tomorrow. Those who life without God in their heart are heading towards death because fear will lead you to death. And uncertainty and agony will produce sickness in your body that may lead you to death. Those who live without God are living an aimless life, a life without purpose and no better goal, no dream and aspiration. A person living without God can fall into any tragedy and evil at any time, sickness may befall you at anytime because there is no spiritual covering of God protecting you. Anything can happen to you at anytime and at any moment.
Many of us often lack motivation, but Philippians 4:13 reminds us, that “I can do all things, through Christ who gives me strength”, and that there is a purpose for every life. In whatever we do, our job, our studies, our ministries, we are to do it for the glory of God, meaning we take it seriously and do it as if we were doing it for God himself, for example if we are playing an instrument, we play it as if God is in front of us. God is such an important part of our life, because he is the key to finding goals and a purpose in life.Sit down and pray to God and ask Him to help you find your purpose. God has a purpose for every one of us, because He created all of us and knows you better than you know yourself. Pray for God to help you find meaning and ambitions and use your passions to glorify God in whatever you do, from your academic studies, sporting activities, and the way you act towards others. In whatever we do, may we be reminded that “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Many of us struggle to find purpose, and have other struggles in our lives, whether this be in our family life, perhaps social life, work or maybe school, but we can all come to know God better, as a collective.
For God’s purpose to be archive in our life, we must live a life with God. May the Lord direct your heart into God’s love and Christ perseverance. Peace be with you always.
Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior,
Pastor Collins Arthur
Bless you brethren in Christ. Jesus went to the cross gave his life for us so that we may receive mercy and forgiveness, He died so that you and I might receive grace to serve God in a new way of the Spirit and not in the flesh anymore. For those who serve God must serve him in Spirit and in truth. Jesus gave himself for us so that our soul may receive redemption and salvation of God. In that case Jesus has done everything for me and you to have the peaceful life that we have today, both physically and spiritually, He has done everything well and perfect, He deserve our thanksgiving always. He deserves our appreciation and gratitude and our Worship. He doesn’t ask us for anything in return for his act of love towards us but only to serve him with heart of thanksgiving and humbleness.
Brethren, if we reflect to our past life, if we calm our minds and quiet our spirit, we see how far God has help us in every aspect lives, in our characters and manners, altitudes and our human nature. How God has transform us and make us better person. He put his spirit withing us who helps us in our journey of transformation as we devote ourselves to God. All these, and many other more shows that we own God our daily appreciation and gratitude. God doesn’t need to be the one to ask us or remind us to worship him or praise him or meditate on his word, no instead, we that receive salvation and peace must put it up ourselves to know that we must give God our gratitude.
But many people have forgetting all these and expecting the Lord to be the one to reminds them of there duty to him. We must not be too busy with our daily lives and ignore God worship.I pray that as you read this message today, God will move your heart and mind to flow with the thanksgiving and praise. God bless you.
Yours Faithfully in Christ Jesus,
Pastor Kollins Arthur
Bless you dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus around the world. It is a privilege and honour to share the knowledge of God’s word with you today. Identity in Christ means you know who you are and what you can do in the name of Jesus. You know how powerful you are and the will you possess as a child of God. But not all Christian or believers know their identity in the Lord. Many are always afraid and confuse and worry especially when confronted with life challenges and situations. Many easily give up and search for other ungodly ways to solve their problems.
But a Christian or a believer who knows their identity in the Lord knows how to stand strong in faith when things are not as always is. They don’t get panic and disarray. They buckle themself up in prayer and fasting and meditation of Gods word. They recite the word of God upon there life several times and upon the situation that confront them.
A Christian or a believer who knows their identity in the Lord don’t deliberately plan or plot evil against others or try to hurt them or destroy them, by doing that, they know they are threading on the path of evil and destruction.
A Christian or a believer who knows their identity in the Lord don’t pay back evil for evil, or evil for good, no, they leave vengeance to God because they know they are not to use their hands or mouth to do evil, for evil will destroy those who love and do evil.
As a believer in Christ, its good to know your identity in Christ, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand and stand strong till evil pass away.
May the spirit of God grant you the grace to understand the power and will you possess as a child of God.
Peace be with you always.
Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
Pastor Kollins Arthur
Bless you brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord. It is honour and great pleasure to share the word of Knowledge of God with you. Today the Lord want to enlighten us about provocation. In life provocation is not meant to make you comfortable or relax, provocation can be very irritating, it is not meant to be make you satisfied. Some provocation were meant to wake us up and seek God in prayer.
There is a story of a woman in the bible whose name is Hannah, Hannah was barren ,she couldn’t borne a child but she was comfortable with her situation. She don’t see why she has to pray to God for changes. She became relaxed and unconcerned until her husband Elkannah marry another woman Peninnah. And God allow Peninnah to conceive and born children for Elkannah .In a long run, Peninnah begins to provoke Hannah, and whenever Peninnah realizes she has conceived she would provoke Hannah heavily till Hannah could no longer eat or drink. When the provocation became much for Hannah to bear, she became irritated and wept and wept before God to remember her and consider her misery . And God answer Hannah’s prayer and bless her with a son named Samuel.
Today, God allow some people to be in our life in order to provoke us ,to get us irritated about the challenges and situation that confront us. For us not to become comfortable and relaxed about it but for us to pray and ask God to turn situation around for us. Hannah became relaxed about her barrenness until the rival came and begin to provoke her, then Hannah remember there is God in Heaven who can turn situations around and make a way where there is seems to be no way.
Brethren, don’t turn the provocation of people around you to be hatred or fight but turn the matter to God in fervent prayer. And see what God would do in your life. Seek God and you will be found by him. May the peace of God strengthen your heart and mind. And always remember God loves you first before you start loving him.
Peace be with you.
Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord,
Pastor Kollins Arthur