Fellow believers in Christ, as a child of the Most High, we draw hope from the Lord even though we are disappointed, oppressed and confused in life. Even though we fail in our attempt to survive in the challenges of life, we still draw strength and hope from the Lord .And even though the circumstance seems useless and hopeless, we still draw strength and hope from the Almighty God.

The beginning of life may seems rough, hash and complicated, but because we depend on the Lord and stand on the hope of his glory, we have no fear rather than confident and better tomorrow. The bible teaches that faith is of things hope for and evident of things not seen. While would I hope for something I already have, it makes no sense at all, I hope because Christ in me gives me confidence and an assurance that my tomorrow would be better than yesterday.

Believe in Christ no matter what comes on your way, you may not smile or enjoy life today, but one things I know as a prophet of God and assure you, that Christ would never fail you when you depend on his glory. He did it for Joseph, the son of Jacob, he was sold into slavery by his own brothers but the Lord turn the page around and he became second in command in Egypt. The same people that sold him became his own slave and beg him for his mercy.

So followers of Christ, believers , people of God, is good  to hope and keep on hoping and Christ would never fail you.. May the peace of God be with you all, always know that Christ loves you first.


God bless you.

Pastor Kolis Arthur