Bless you beloved brothers and sisters in Christ all around the world, may God of heaven and earth strengthen your soul and spirit with power and grace to do his will. Amen. It is a great honour for me to be sent by the Lord to you to deliver his message about FREE INDEED.
According to the bible in the book of John 8:28-36 , Jesus was talking to the children of God who had come to believe in him, that if they continue in his teaching they are really his disciple and they will know the truth and the truth will set them free .And whom the son had set free, will be free indeed”.
Brethren there is a difference between freedom and free indeed. freedom does not come easily, it takes determination and fight and bloodshed. Those who enslave someone are not willing to let go of the slave, those who put others in bondage are not willing to let loose the one they put in bondage, therefore for the slave to be loose from the bondage of the one who bound him, he must fight for his freedom.
When the children of God were in bondage in Egypt, it takes a strong hand of God for them to get there freedom from Pharaoh the king of Egypt. there is death and destruction in the land of Egypt. So, for me and you to get our freedom from the spirit of evil, we must fight,. And remember the word of God said to us in the book of Ephesians 6:12 that, we are not fighting flesh and blood but wicked spirits from the dark world. We must put on the whole armour of God for us to win the battle. We must engage in warfare with the demons and the principalities. We must pray fervently and never give up.
And for us to be fully free from the shackles of the wicked ones, is when we allow Christ to rule our heart and mind. We must give our heart fully to the Lord to be control by his Spirit. Then we are FREE INDEED as Jesus said.
I pray for you today that may God set you free from evil powers and always remember that God loves you first before you start loving him. Seek God in fervent prayer and meditate on his word daily and you will be found by him.
May the hand of God rest upon you and your household. Peace be with you always.
Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Pastor Kolins Arthur