Bless you dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, it’s a privileged to strengthen you with the word of God. Jesus is the gift of God. Jesus himself is God but He came to us in human form. Jesus offer himself to us as a gift for salvation and for peace in every area of our lives.

Before we can be God liking, we must first have the gift of giving. Since Jesus have been offered to us as a gift of salvation, He never ask from us anything in return, He always give and give without asking nothing back. All he asks from us is to have reverence for him by obeying his words and commands.

There so many ways a person can give for God service, you can be servant in the house of God, cleaning and arranging, is also giving, opening and closing the door of God’s house is also another way of giving for the kingdom of God.

Supporting financially and materially is also giving, giving your time for the service of God, coming together for prayers in the house of God and evangelizing to others about Christ love and mercy is also giving to God.

I pray that God will give us heart of reverence for the Lord and obedient to his word. May his grace and love abide with all of us.

Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord,

Pastor Collins Arthur