Bless you brethren in the name of the Lord.

The Lord has sent me to encourage your heart and mind with the message “DO NOT FEAR”.

In the book of Joshua 1:9 “the Lord says to Joshua Moses aide“ Have I not commanded you, be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go….”

In life , many times we are confronted with situations and challenges that we don’t know what to do about it and how to come out of it. The challenges many time may overwhelms our heart and make our mind tired and feels like we should give up in life.

But today, the Lord send me to tell you not to fear whatever situation that you are going through or challenges that confronts you, He said I should tell you that as He was with Moses and Joshua, so will he be with you as sees you through and brings you out in victory and joy.

No matter what the enemy has done or might been doing against you or your family, our God is mighty to save and deliver you from all the power of the devil, and brings all your enemies to everlasting shame.

Brethren ,all you need to do is to trust in God always and do not entertain fear in your heart. Believe that the God who made heaven and earth is with you like a mighty warrior, and he will make a way for you, where it seems to be no way.

Bible says, trouble may last for a night but joy comes in the morning. Remember that God loves you first before you start loving him. May the peace of God that transcend all human knowledge and understanding be with you always.


Pastor Kollins Arthur