Gospel message of the day


To God be the glory. We bless our father in heaven for another week  he has given to us to share his word and encourage one another in faith and hope that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen…Bless you Brothers and Sisters in Christ all around the world. Today the good Lord has place in my heart to encourage and strengthen you with this message “BY THIS TIME NEXT YEAR”

According to the bible, in the book of 2 king 4: 8-27 .. A story of a Shunammite woman who was kind and generous to the servant of God Elisha. This woman could not have a child and her husband is getting old. But whenever Elisha the man of God came to her city, she would attend to him, arrange a place for him and his servant Gehazi to stay.

She kept on doing this year after year, but one day the man of God decided to also bless the woman back, and he called his servant Gehazi and ask him if there anything we can also do for this woman, for she had been kind and generous to us.  Gehazi told Elisha, this woman had no child, she is alone with her husband. Then the man of God Elisha, call the woman and pronounce blessing upon her life “that by this time next year, you will have your own child”. And so a year later , God bless the Shunnamite woman with a boy, and the word of prophet Elisha came to pass.

Brethren, when we open our heart ,and allow God to move us to bless a true servant of God and bless the work of God to progress, then the blessing that came upon the shunnamite woman is also closer to us. Doors of great opportunity will be open on our way, healing and peace come nearer to us, because we had also imitate the nature of the shunnamite woman who bless a man of God. Then by this time next year, we are also rejoicing like the woman.

Therefore, beloved brethren in the Lord, I encourage you today to open your heart and mind to support the work of God and be a blessing to the true servant of God….Then heaven will also rejoice over you for the blessing of God has come upon your life. And remember the Lord loves you first before you start loving him.

May the peace of God be with you always.

Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Pastor Kolins Arthur


Praise be to our Lord in Heaven who has given us another opportunity to share his word with you this week. May his name alone be praise forever. Amen. Bless you!!! Today, the Lord want to enlighten us more about his message “TO SAVE WHAT WAS LOST”.

According to the Bible, in the book of Luke 19:1-9 Jesus was entering the town of Jericho, and there was a man whose name is Zacchaeus, he was a chief tax collector, a rich and wealthy man, but he was a short man. But this man had been longing in his heart to see who Jesus was. On this very day, an opportunity come for him to see Jesus, but there is an obstacle that stand on his way, a lot of crowd surrounded Jesus, because he is a short man , he decided to climb a tree.

By the time Jesus arrived under the tree where the short man had climbed, Jesus told him to come down from the tree, that today he must stay in his house. Zacchaeus welcome Jesus gladly to his house, but there are opposition from  those who claim to be righteous and but not loving their fellow human being. They started to grumbled against the Lord for entering a sinners house. But the Loving God does not desire to condemn mankind but to save us.

Zacchaeus realized that God had been kind to him by accepting him as he is, not looking to his sins or conduct, but went to stay with him in his house. In so doing Zacchaeus, gave his heart and soul and everything he had to the Lord, he became a new person, and Jesus said to everyone today salvation had come to this man and his household, because he is also a son of God, for God came to save what was lost.

Dear Brethren, Jesus came to save me and you from our sins, for we were lost but now we had been found. If we give our heart, soul and all that we had to the Lord. Then we are not condemn as Zacchaeus was not condemn.

Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your heart , come to God and he would give you peace, joy, love, good health, long life and above all the salvation of your soul.

Come to Christ all ye that are heavily Labour and he would give you rest,.

May the peace of God that surpass all human understanding guide your heart and mind.

And always remember, that God loves you first before you starting loving him.

Yours in Christ Jesus forever Amen.



Bless you beloved brothers and sisters in Christ all around the world, may God of heaven and earth strengthen your soul and spirit with power and grace to do his will. Amen. It is a great honour for me to be sent by the Lord to you to deliver his message about FREE INDEED.

According to the bible in the book of John 8:28-36 , Jesus was talking to the children of God who had come to believe in him, that if they continue in his teaching they are really his disciple and they will know the truth and the truth will set them free .And whom the son had set free, will be free indeed”.

Brethren there is a difference between freedom and free indeed. freedom does not come easily, it takes determination and fight and bloodshed. Those who enslave someone are not willing to let go of the slave, those who put others in bondage are not willing to let loose the one they put in bondage, therefore for the slave to be loose from the bondage of the one who bound him, he must fight for his freedom.

When the children of God were in bondage in Egypt, it takes a strong hand of God for them to get there freedom from Pharaoh the king of Egypt. there is death and destruction in the land of Egypt. So, for me and you to get our freedom from the spirit of evil, we must fight,. And remember the word of God said to us in the book of Ephesians 6:12  that, we are not fighting flesh and blood but wicked spirits from the dark world. We must put on the whole armour of God for us to win the battle. We must engage in warfare with the demons and the principalities. We must pray fervently and never give up.

And for us to be fully free from the shackles of the wicked ones, is when we allow Christ to rule our heart and mind. We must give our heart fully to the Lord to be control by his Spirit. Then we are FREE INDEED as Jesus said.

I pray for you today that may God set you free from evil powers and always remember that God loves you first before you start loving him. Seek God in fervent prayer and meditate on his word daily and you will be found by him.

May the hand of God rest upon you and your household. Peace be with you always.

Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Pastor Kolins Arthur



Blessed be the name of the Lord our God, He has given us another great opportunity to share his gospel to everyone and especially to you, because he delighted in you and desire to save you out of these crooked and wicked generation who has abandon the commands of their God. He has chosen you to love you and bless you with peace and joy and abundant grace. May the name of our Lord Jesus be praise forever. Today, the good Lord has directed me to pass on to you a message to empowers you both inwardly and outwardly. He entitled the message “THE ROAD TO DESTINY”.

Beloved, the Lord said the road to great and successful destiny can be very tough and it can be very challenging, we face many difficulties, many ups and down situations to make you give up on your purpose, but you need to be determine and be discipline. Without determination and discipline, you will never get to your destiny. Satan schemes and strategy will confuse your mind and weaken your heart in order for you to give up and fall. But you need to stand and buckles your belt and make up your mind to achieve your goal and ask the Lord Jesus to empowers you with strength.

According to the bible in the book of Matthew 21:1-17 Jesus made a journey to Jerusalem to face his destiny, he faces many challenges and difficulties at Jerusalem at the hand of leaders of the people, the Pharisees, the High priest. But he did not allow those difficulties to stop him from achieving his purpose to save mankind, he endure the insult, and all kinds of words and trials, and persevere to the end, till he was crucified  on the cross in order to save me and you.

Brethren, I encourage you today, to imitate the Lord Jesus by enduring and persevere in order for your to get to your destiny. Do not waver or doubt, the Lord is with you like a mighty warrior, he will give you inward strength to carry on. Only, you needs to determine and stand firm. And achieve your goal. And always remember that God is with you and he would never leave you nor forsake you. He loves you first before you start loving him. May his abundantly grace and mercy be lavish no you forever.

Peace be with you always.

Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord,

Pastor Kolis Arthur